5. Create Academic Integrity Pledge page

Not-marked questions are used to provide information such as the Academic Integrity Pledge/Statement, brief instructions or the stimulus content in a section of a question set. 

Video Guide

Create a not-marked document in Inspera (YouTube 1m 48s)

Tasks to complete

Create the Academic Integrity Pledge page

  1. Create a new section.
  2. Enter the section name "Information".
  3. Click on the Create new button.
  4. Select the not-marked Document type.
  5. Enter the document name "Academic Integrity Pledge".
  6. Replace the question text with the following text:

By undertaking this assessment, you will be deemed to have acknowledged UQ’s Academic Integrity Pledge (above) and to have made the following declaration:

“I certify that I have completed this examination in an honest, fair and trustworthy manner, that my submitted answers are entirely my own work, and that I have neither given nor received any unauthorised assistance on this examination”.

  1. Click on the Labels button.
  2. Enter "your name", "academic integrity" as labels
  3. Click on the Save button.
  4. Click on the Preview button. The preview will be opened in a new tab in your browser.
  5. Navigate to the original question.
  6. Click on the Close button.

Refer to the Add the Academic Integrity Statement to your assessment for more detailed instructions.