11. Create Assumptions and Queries question

Video Guide

Create assumptions and queries question (YouTube 1m 54s)

Task to complete

Create Assumptions and Queries question 

  1. Click on the New section tab on your question set.
  2. Enter "Student question" on the section name text box.
  3. Select the Text Area from the manually marked question type.
  4. Enter Assumptions and Queries in the question name text box.
  5. Enter the following text into the question text area:

"Attempt every question to your best standard even if you have a query or assumption about a question. Use the free text field below to specify any assumptions you have made or queries you had while completing the exam, and which questions those assumptions or queries relate to."

  1. Click on the Mark button.
  2. Enter 0 to the mark textbox.
  3. Click on the Labels button.
  4. Enter "your name", "test name", "assumptions and queries" onto the label text box.
  5. Click on the Save button.
  6. Click on the Preview button.
  7. Close the preview window.
  8. Click on the Close button.

Refer to the Add the Assumption and Queries question in an Inspera exam guide for more detailed instructions.