The "Service Enhancement Program" is a suite of eLearning technology projects to investigate and deploy new eLearning technologies in-line with University needs. The program aims to address broad enterprise needs in a timely manner, with usable services as an outcome. Faculties retain an ability to have the eLearning Systems and Support team make small system modifications that are possible within the resources available or pay for modifications they need for their faculty alone.

The program makes use of:

  • The engagement model for New eLearning Service Requests to ensure new eLearning technologies are evaluated collaboratively with due process.
  • The annual service satisfaction survey to monitor client satisfaction with support services provided by the eLearning Systems and Support team (e.g. provision of technical training, support offered by the eLearning Support team, perceptions of the centrally supported eLearning tools currently provided). The results help the eLearning team prioritise resource allocations and service improvements.
  • The ongoing surveying and gathering of information concerning particular eLearning technology needs.