Online lectures for public holidays, UQwordstream update & eLearning workshops

16 Jan 2017
eLearning Update, eLearning Systems and Support
Monday 16 January 2017

Order your Semester 1 course

You can request your Learn.UQ course for Semester 1 2017 now!

1. Use the online Site Request form located on the Staff tab in Learn.UQ. This form also allows you to request a copy of course content from a previous semester.


2. Publish your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) for a blank course template to be created automatically within 48 hours. For content to be copied, request a 'copy' through the Staff tab mentioned above.

Refer to the Course Request guide for step-by-step instructions.

Setting up your Semester 1 course site - eLearning Solutions Service 

UQ teaching staff are invited to make a nomination to receive a series of one-to-one consultations and assistance for the integration of eLearning into their courses.
Start of semester topics that an eLearning advisor can help you with include:

  • getting course sites ready for the semester
  • navigating and getting familiar with Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course sites
  • setting up online quizzes / tests for the semester
  • setting up online assessment submission links
  • recording and uploading short welcome videos for students

Email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.
An eLearning advisor will make contact with you to arrange an initial consultation
For further information on the eLearning Solutions Service, visit the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

UQwordstream update

UQwordstream is an active learning tool you can use in lectures and tutorials to collect student responses to a discussion question. The results are displayed in a "twitter" like feed. This tool has recently been updated to give you the option not to publicly display the students' names with their responses while still recording this information for download after the session. Refer to the UQwordstream guide for step-by-step instructions. If you would like a personal tutorial on UQ Active learning tools email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.
For further information on the eLearning Solutions Service, visit the eLearning Solutions Service webpage.

Online lectures for public holidays

Producing an online eLearning module using Office Mix is a great way to replace a lecture missed due to a public holiday.  This software allows you to easily add narration, webcam video, multimedia and formative quizzes to your lecture PowerPoint then embed the published module into your course.

If you are interested in producing an Office Mix attend a workshop, refer to the Desktop recording guide or access the eLearning Solutions Service

Designing rubrics and quiz questions - ITaLI assist

Are you currently preparing your Semester 1 course and need help designing or improving an assessment rubric or quiz questions? Then get in contact with TeachAssist a service provided by ITaLI for the UQ community to offer support for their teaching and learning.

Staff working on student accounts

Current students who are teaching/tutoring in your course must be enrolled using their staff username. Tutors enrolled in your course using a student account will receive three notifications and after 28 days their access to the course will be disabled.

UQ Active Learning tools workshop

This workshop will introduce participants to the UQ Active Learn suite (UQpoll, UQwordcloud, UQwordstream) and the virtual wall Padlet. Participants will learn how to use these tools to facilitate active learning in lectures and tutorials. Practical skills covered will include setting up the software and questions, contributing to questions as a student and then viewing student responses.

To register for either the 31 January or 13 February workshop visit the Staff Development website.

Setting up for a successful semester - ITaLI workshop

Ensure your semester is successful by setting up a few key items for effective course management. This workshop is aimed at those new to teaching at UQ and is held before ECPs are due. It will cover tips and tricks for how to best use your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) and Learn.UQ site to minimise hassle as well as examples of implementing a communication strategy and managing student expectations.

To register for either the 27 January or 24 February workshop visit the Staff Development website.


The Teaching@UQ program provides academics new to teaching at UQ an orientation and induction to the Teaching and Learning culture of The University of Queensland. It is designed to respond to the needs of new academics – and to help them meet the professional expectations of the institution and students.

Please recommend this course to staff new to teaching at UQ

To register for the 2017 program visit the Staff Development website.

Learn.UQ upgrade date 2017

The outage window for the 2017 Learn.UQ (Blackboard) upgrade has been approved by the DVC(A) for Monday and Tuesday 10 and 11 July. This will occur in a university vacation week - the week before semester 2 orientation begins. This upgrade requires a 48 hour outage. For further information please contact Elizabeth Wardrop.

Feature Videos

Group peer assessment

Dr Bryan Morgan describes how he incorporated peer assessment in the overall strategy for a group assignment. He used GPAT (Group Peer Assessment tool) to efficiently collect student responses and calculate results. Watch Video (2.02mins)

UQwordstream - Quick start guide

UQwordcloud is an active learning tool which collates student free text responses and displays them in a "twitter" like stream. Watch Video (3.34mins)

Useful Links

eLearning Custom Workshops

Custom workshops on centrally supported eLearning tools are available on request for faculties / schools / courses.

To organise a workshop for your teaching staff, tutors or professional staff email

eLearning Solutions Service

Personal support is available for implementing centrally supported eLearning tools.

To access the service email with "ELSS - Nomination" in the subject line.

A-Z Guides eLearning Tools

A list of all centrally supported eLearning tools with associated guides are available to view and download.

Access the list of A-Z guides by clicking on this link: eLearning A-Z Guides

Flipped Classroom

If you are considering implementing the flipped classroom model at UQ, visit the Flipped Classroom website.

Video for Teaching and Learning

Helpful video production resources and advice are available on the Video for Teaching and Learning website.



